The most loyal and trustworthy buddy there is is a dog.
Ask 25-year-old Byron, who wouldn’t be here today without his canine companion Geo.
When a romance ended, Gloucester, England native Byron experienced a severe case of despair. To drown out his pain and his demons, he hit the bottle.
After several months of excessive drinking, Byron built a noose and sent one final letter to his loved ones before taking his own life.
He was prepared to die because he was determined to do so.
One inhabitant of the residence, however, refused to watch his best friend say farewell.

Byron Taylor, 25, believed he had reached his lowest point and was unable to see a way out.
He created a noose one day when completely inebriated. According to the Daily Mail, he then reportedly went downstairs to write a final note to his family.
But when Byron returned upstairs, he discovered that Geo was already eating.
While Byron was downstairs, Geo, a six-year-old Welsh bullmastiff, was biting the rope. Geo refused to allow Byron to take the rope back.

Initially, Byron believed Geo only desired to play. But he soon realized that the dog wasn’t kidding. Geo clinched his teeth as if he would bite Byron if the latter attempted to wrestle the rope out of his lips since he had somehow seen what Byron would do.
And it was in ruins when Geo finally let go of the rope.
Byron claims that if it weren’t for Geo, he wouldn’t be alive today.
“In a sense, I believe Geo anticipated what I would accomplish. They have a sixth instinct when it comes to this sort of thing. Byron claims that he was conscious of a problem.

Byron’s plan was interrupted by Geo’s rapid response, which also altered his viewpoint.
Even though Byron worked very hard to get over his depression, he suffered another terrible setback a few years later.
The prognosis indicated that Geo’s dreadful tumor only had a few days to survive.
Byron paid Geo’s medical bills thanks to an online fundraising drive. The dog was unable to be saved despite the best efforts of the doctors.

Byron promised to do everything in his power to make Geo’s final days as enjoyable as possible.
He will always be appreciative to his best buddy for giving him the greatest gift of all—life—even though he is no longer with us.
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