One of the various methods to show one’s uniqueness is via tattoos. Some people stick to a little tattoo, while others go large and adorn entire body areas.
After revealing his before photo, 26-year-old tattoo apprentice Tristan Weigelt grabbed headlines. Tristan is covered in outrageous body art.
At the age of 20, Weigelt started the process of getting tattoos on 95% of his body.

He told the Daily Star, “Looking at myself without all the tattoos is kind of weird.”
“But oddly enough, my internal feelings are exactly the same as they were before.”

He added that the tattoos on his head and face hurt the most out of all of them, likening it to getting scratched by a metal brush.
“It took five to six hours to complete six full-day sessions, and the pain level was probably an eight out of ten.”
Weigelt stated that his body art has no hidden meanings, in contrast to the many individuals who get tattoos with a specific intention in mind.

Weigelt has spent $50,000 on tattoos in the last five years.
Weigelt advises anybody thinking about getting a tattoo to “get what you love and what makes sense to you.” I see a lot of folks who are concerned that a particular tattoo won’t suit them or match their style. Purchase it if you like it.

Whoa. What a remarkable change!
Would you ever think of covering your whole body with tattoos? I doubt that I would.