Two young women from the United States chose to make their college dorm room seem more cozy by buying a used couch on eBay for around twenty dollars.
After performing some cleaning and putting a cover on it, both of them were satisfied with the deal even though the upholstery was dirty and had a bad smell. The deal was good because the item was not worn out.
Meanwhile, the young women were sitting together one evening watching a movie when they suddenly noticed a strange feeling beneath their seats.
When they removed the pillow coverings, they were astonished by what they discovered.

Additional envelopes containing money were found stashed there, and when they were uncovered, the total sum retrieved was forty thousand dollars!
The young women were able to give back the money because one of the envelopes had a phone number printed on it, which they discovered inside one of the envelopes.
The elderly lady sold them the couch, and she expressed her gratitude to them.
These are the savings that my partner has worked diligently to accumulate over their whole lifetime. Regrettably, he passed away, and I had to spend some time in the hospital due to my illness. The older woman confessed to her wrongdoing and stated, “My children sold the sofa without consulting me.”