“Dreamcatchers for Abused Children” posted a sneak peek at a child who had the entire world in tears on Facebook.
This group’s goal is to care for and assist children who have suffered abuse of any type in their homes.
The taking of abused kids out of their families and putting them in a facility where they can get treatment, support, and understanding.

The young kids then look for an adoptive family that will take care of them and love them no matter what, so they may have peaceful, abuse-free lives.
His biological parents abused him, and he is from Oklahoma. The child’s drunken parents malnourished and mistreated him for a period of years.
The youngster was left out of the lovely experiences that were suitable for his age and the delights of childhood.
The youngster was seized from his biological parents and placed in the care of “Dreamcatchers for Abused Children” after the neighbors called the police.
The group’s volunteers immediately found the youngster an adopted family while he was still seeking for a home to offer him a normal existence.
After learning that he will be adopted by them, the boy penned a letter to his new adoptive family outlining his preferences for his new home.
This is a wish list for an Oklahoma foster child. When we consider how terrible things are for us, we must never forget the children who have nothing.
“I want drug-free homes and non-fighting parents.
Avoid causing animal harm.
Tutoring for homework
Pristine attire
The house is free of bugs.
A tidy home.
Bed covers on a tidy bed.
Do not sell my toys, please.
I wish to receive fair treatment.
Avoid becoming wasted.
The residence has a TV.
My school supplies should stay with me.
Good shoes
A toothbrush for a safe home.