Most young people want to go to college, travel, and have a large social network. Taylor Smith, a 12-year-old from Johnson City, Tennessee, was no exception. This young woman loved spending time with her family and friends and watching Doctor Who.
Smith outlined these objectives in a letter she wrote in April 2013 to her future self. To be opened by Taylor Smith on April 12, 2023 only (unless otherwise indicated), the letter was hidden in a box in her room.
Sadly, she did not live long enough to see whether or not her objectives were fulfilled. Taylor lost suddenly a few months after he sent that letter as a consequence of complications from an unanticipated pneumonia attack.

Tim and Mary Ellen Smith, her parents, were inconsolable. Their little daughter had abandoned them, and they couldn’t believe it.
They discovered the message one day while sorting through her belongings. It impacted them so much that they decided to share it online in the hopes that it might comfort others.
In response to her daughter’s letter, Marry Ellen stated, “I can’t physically resuscitate her, I can’t bring her back.”
I’m glad her tale inspired other people.
A copy of Taylor’s letter is shown below, along with some notes she wrote to herself.

Greetings, Taylor!
How have you been finding life lately? The present (10 years ago) is a fairly straightforward time. I’m sorry I’m late, but I’ll simply say congrats since you’ve already graduated from high school. If you failed, give it another go later. Take the degree! Really, do you (we) go to college? I can understand if you decide not to. After all, we do have some strong justifications.
Do not overlook Allana’s 11th birthday today! What the heck are you doing at eleven already? She had barely turned one when I was born! I was unable to attend the celebration because I was in Cranks, Kentucky, on my first mission trip. It’s just been six days since I got back!
How is your connection with God right now, while we’re at it? Have you recently studied the Bible, prayed, worshiped, or gone to serve God? If you haven’t done it already, get up and do it RIGHT NOW! Regardless matter what stage of life we are in right now, just begin going! For you, he underwent humiliation, maltreatment, agony, and crucifixion! a kind guy who has never hurt you or anybody else!

Have you since been on any further missionary missions? Have you ever left the United States? What about flying?
Do you know how Doctor Who is doing right now? Otherwise, how did they finish it if regeneration was used? Watch some Doctor Who right away, I say! You must, however, finish reading your own words of wisdom after that!
Do you now call your own house home? What are we majoring in if we are in college? I’m now attempting to go into law school.

Have you lately visited Dollywood? The Wild Eagle is now their newest feature. It’s a lot of fun!
I’m also thinking of selling my iPad and replacing it with an iPad mini. Don’t forget to remind your kids that we’re older than the tablet! You may also display the iPad drawing I supplied.
That’s all I have to say about it. It’s important to keep in mind that this was written 10 years ago. Both joyful and awful things have happened. it is the way life is, and you must accept it.

Taylor Smith is an American musician, and I sincerely apologize.
Lovely words from an angel who tragically passed away before her family!