Are you aware that US President Joe Biden has a heart disease known as atrial fibrillation? This disorder raises the risk of stroke by five times and doubles the risk of heart attack and dementia. Interestingly, a significant number of persons worldwide are ignorant of their atrial fibrillation condition, with over 37.5 million people being afflicted.
Atrial fibrillation is a frequently occurring cardiac rhythm problem that impacts individuals of all age groups. It leads to irregular cardiac rhythms that can be either rapid or sluggish. Although it is increasingly common as we become older, some people experience it in their 30s and 40s. This atypical heart beat starts in the upper chambers of the heart, impacting its capacity to efficiently circulate blood. This can result in consequences including blood clots and other serious health problems.

Signs of atrial fibrillation might differ from individual to individual. Certain individuals may have heart palpitations, shortness of breath, or unease during an episode. These symptoms might interfere with their regular routines. However, some individuals may not have any symptoms, which can make it difficult to identify atrial fibrillation.
It is important to talk about any worries with your GP if you have symptoms or think you might have this problem. They can do tests like an electrocardiogram (ECG) to assess the electrical activity of your heart and recommend a specialist if necessary.
If you have received a diagnosis of atrial fibrillation, it is important to control your risk of consequences, such as a higher risk of stroke. Engaging in actions like reducing alcohol use, managing a healthy weight, and engaging in routine physical activity can contribute to enhancing your overall well-being.
Your doctor may give blood-thinning medication or suggest additional therapies including cardiac rhythm management drugs or ablation techniques, depending on your risk factors. Ablation is a technique that focuses on the electrical source of atrial fibrillation in order to return the heart’s rhythm to normal.
Are you aware that almost 60% of individuals with atrial fibrillation also have excessive blood pressure? Elevated blood pressure is a major contributor to both strokes and heart attacks. That’s why it’s important to control blood pressure for those with atrial fibrillation.

Managing blood pressure can be achieved by using a mix of medication, making lifestyle adjustments, and regularly checking. It is important to collaborate closely with your healthcare professional to achieve effective blood pressure management and decrease the likelihood of stroke.
For people who are at a very high risk of stroke, especially those who have both atrial fibrillation and high blood pressure, it is extremely important to intervene early. Strokes, heart attacks, and dementia continue to be major causes of mortality globally. By actively adopting measures to avoid these issues, such as controlling blood pressure and promptly seeking medical attention, we may greatly enhance our health and overall state of being.
Keep in mind, it is often more advantageous to avoid health problems rather than deal with them. If you think you might have atrial fibrillation or are worried about your heart health, contact your healthcare professional. They are able to offer advice, carry out examinations, and suggest suitable treatment choices. Caring for your heart now might result in a healthier future.