Constipation is often caused by living an unhealthy lifestyle, which includes consuming an inordinate amount of processed foods, inadequate fiber intake, insufficient exercise, and insufficient water intake. In addition, a number of medical conditions or medications, including IBS, hypothyroidism, and pregnancy, can result in constipation. Even yet, some people who eat healthily and don’t have any of the aforementioned conditions nonetheless endure constipation or irregular bowel movements.
These fruits will help you naturally soften stools rapidly.
1.Apples and pears
As a result of their high fiber, fructose, and sorbitol content, apples and pears are well-known fruits that help with bowel movements. Apples and pears also contain a lot of water, which helps with digestion and prevents constipation. For the greatest benefits, eat them raw.
Kiwi fruit is abundant in fiber, vitamins, and minerals and has a laxative effect. Two kiwis in a day can have amazing benefits on digestion and constipation since they both contain 2 grams of fiber.
The research all agree that eating one kiwi per day has advantages.
Because figs are also strong in fiber, three to four of them will provide you enough to produce a smooth, easy bowel movement.
Figs are the best natural stool softener because their fiber content improves digestion and relieves constipation. Figs can be eaten or added to yogurt, salads, or both.
Pour yourself a glass of water with lemon before going to the bathroom. It stimulates your digestive system and forces your body to eliminate toxins of all kinds and sizes.
5.Ripe bananas
My grandma always says, “A well-ripped banana is an ideal remedy for stomach problems,” and she was right. You can speed up your bowel movements by consuming a well-ripped, sweet-tasting banana with brown areas.
Mangoes have a delicious flavor and a delicious scent. They also include fiber and phytochemicals that aid in digestion and promote bowel movement.
Watermelon is particularly beneficial to treat constipation since it contains a lot of fiber and is 94% water, according to WebMD. In addition to having rapid and easy bowel motions, dehydration is minimized.
Oranges and other citrus fruits contain naringenin, which Chinese study claims has laxative and constipation-relieving properties. Vitamin C, other minerals, and 4 grams of fiber per orange are all abundant in oranges.
It is best to eat oranges or drink orange juice.
Additionally, coconut water’s laxative qualities significantly improve bowel movements. Because coconut water includes electrolytes that give you energy, everyone enjoys the flavor of it. It offers the quickest bloating and constipation relief.
Papaya is a fantastic natural laxative for alleviating symptoms, even in situations where constipation has lingered for a long period. These fruits are high in water and fiber, which speeds up intestinal transit and makes stools easier to produce. Papaya is the best stool softener for everyday usage.
The delicious fruit known as grapes has a lot of water and fiber naturally, both of which are helpful in preventing constipation.