Luke Bryan is more than just a well-known American Idol judge and a member of the country music industry. He is a loving uncle, spouse, and father as well. After tragedy struck the family in 2014, Luke took on the responsibility of raising the kids.
They never learned what happened to Kelly. “No one could figure it out, not the autopsies, not the coroner,” Luke said to People in 2013. 2014 saw the tragic unexpected death of Ben who was involved in a car accident. Jordan, Kris, and Til were all college-age at the time, although Til was only sixteen. The choice to adopt all three of them was taken immediately by Luke and Caroline.
We didn’t think twice about it, Caroline revealed to ABC in 2017.
Til unexpectedly moved to Nashville to live with the family at that point.

“I woke up one day and I’m raising a teen,” said Luke.
Given the circumstances, the experience has been a “challenge,” but it has also been very rewarding, and the family wouldn’t have it any other way.
Along with his brother and sister, Luke Bryan was raised in a small Georgian town. Sadly, the star’s family has gone through various tragedies throughout his life.
When Luke was a teenager in 2000, Chris, Luke’s brother, died in a car accident. Seven years later, Sister Kelly tragically passed away from unknown causes, leaving her husband Ben to raise their three children.

After losing both of his siblings and starting his musical career in Nashville, Luke married Caroline, the woman he fell in love with in college. Tatum Christopher is 8 years old, and Thomas Boyer, better known as “Bo,” is 11 years old. For eleven years, the couple has been married.
But the family experienced yet another terrible loss in 2014. Ben, Luke’s brother-in-law, also died, depriving his son, two children, and wife of a parent.

At the time, Til Cheshire was 16 years old. Kris was 19 and Jordan was 22.
She asserts that Caroline and Luke’s decision to adopt the three kids as their own was never debatable.
In 2017, she told ABC, “We never thought twice about it.” He and I never needed to have a word about it. Do we want to try this? We just finished doing that.
It did, however, necessitate a substantial amount of familial adjustment. To be with Luke, Caroline, and their two sons, Til relocated to Nashville.

I woke up one day and I’m raising a teen, Luke previously said to People. It’s challenging because my main worry with Til is just giving the right amount of advice while taking into account the fact that you’re speaking to a developing adult.
He discussed how his strictness and friendship with Til coexisted together.
“I have to play that parent role where if he does something, he needs to get into trouble, but I want to be a friend to him too,” he said.

We’re sort of pals now, though,” Luke told ABC. Up till he makes me, “All right, you’re forcing me to grow up; don’t force me to grow up!” I snap at him at that point.
Raising a teenager is actually very different from raising a smaller child. You can access social media, for one thing.
“We’re having to watch grades, watch Instagram, and watch Snapchat,” said Luke, “to keep him from being on that all day long.”

However, overall, the blended family has been able to make the best of a terrible situation.
In 2015, Luke told People, “Obviously, my nieces and nephews, they didn’t ask for this.”
He continued to tell Billboard, “We’re honored to be doing what we thought was the right thing. “We’re glad it’s the situation, but you don’t want to sound like you love having them so much that you’re glad it’s the situation,”

Luke and Til were called “buddies.” Til is a role model and a teacher for his younger sons, he continued, and he can teach them all the hipster new viral dances.
“The Dab and all the rest. also the Nae Nae. He teaches them all that, he claimed to People. “When they score a touchdown, they’re doing that out there in the yard.”

The men go fishing together in addition to playing board games. The previous year’s music video for Luke’s song “What Makes You Country” included all three guys.

Luke told ABC that he and his family occasionally “get mad at why this has happened”—and who can blame them, given the number of disasters that have happened over the years?

They do, however, try to have a positive attitude throughout it all, and they have built a solid family foundation for these kids.

In an interview with ABC, Luke remarked, “We feel like if we just stay positive through this, maybe we’ll be a positive inspiration for people that had these things happen to ’em.” Simply keep moving forward and use the cards that are dealt to you.