The 62-year-old child doctor Patricia Rashbrook embarks on an incredible quest to fulfill her dream of becoming a mother with the assistance of her second husband. Patricia sought the assistance of a notorious Italian specialist renowned for employing unconventional techniques when she was experiencing difficulties conceiving naturally.
Patricia and her husband John discovered an unconventional solution to their infertility issue in a culture when women over 40 have fewer alternatives. But Patricia kept her pregnancy a secret from everyone when she returned to the UK, fearing what would become of it.
Patricia surprised everyone in 2006 when, at the age of 62, she gave birth to a healthy son, JJ. His point of view highlights Patricia’s unique journey to parenthood and offers the narrative a fresh perspective.
Patricia’s journey—one characterized by social anxiety and secrecy—ends when she becomes a mother later in life, which makes for an engaging narrative. Share your thoughts with us on this remarkable tale that subverts preconceived notions about aging and parenthood.