These parents went above and above for their daughter, in addition to the regular measures parents take to keep their children safe. Vienna Brookshaw was born in the UK in April 2021 to Celine Casey, her mother. When Casey first met Vienna, she spotted a birthmark on her forehead, situated between her eyebrows.
Vienna’s congenital melanocytic nevus (CMN) birthmark did not negatively impact her health, but her mother was worried that when she got older, it would cause Vienna mental suffering. A plethora of benign pigment cells is present in a newborn with CMN, and these cells may have multiplied as Vienna got older.
Vienna has a rare condition, and nobody could have anticipated how much the birthmark would get older. Casey, Vienna’s mother, wished for daughter to grow up without experiencing any hardships as a consequence.

Asking the doctors whether there was anything they could do about the birthmark, Casey questioned them right away. If they didn’t take it down, she was worried that Vienna might become upset with her parents in the future.
The devoted mother Casey added, “We love watching her grow on her journey and we look forward to the day she grows up and can express her own thoughts.” We would still be in love with her even if we kept the birthmark.
When Vienna was a newborn, her birthmark made others stare at her, which is why Casey wanted to get it removed. Casey saw that her baby wasn’t being cared for in the same manner as other infants. That gave her even more incentive to get the birthmark erased.
The operation was denied by the National Health Service (NHS), as is customary when medical procedures that are not necessary for a person’s physical health are denied. For them, the operation was more cosmetic than required.
Casey consequently started a push to get more funding for the procedure elsewhere. Generous donors gave $52,000 in a single day. Unfortunately, this was not enough because the COVID-19 epidemic had caused a sharp increase in medical costs. The young parents needed to pay an additional $27,000 for the operation.
Again, they looked to GoFundMe for help covering the extra costs related to their daughter’s birthmark removal surgery.
The anxious mother added, “Everyone has things they feel unsure about in their body.” The doctor said that this would not have an effect on Vienna’s mental health. But that’s not how we perceived it. At three years old, she will start school, and young children are observant enough to notice these kinds of nuances.

Vienna no longer has any birthmarks at the age of two. All that’s left of the symbol is a little scar on her forehead. Her mother Casey regularly compliments her newborn baby on how “gorgeous” she is and gives regular updates on her daughter’s recuperation.
Vienna’s parents traveled to London to have the surgeon assess the healing of the little scar on her forehead, even after the birthmark was removed. After the three procedures and therapies she had previously undergone, they wanted to be sure she didn’t need any more. She is a healthy two-year-old today, though, and she is not in need of any further medical attention!
Many well wishes are being sent to tiny Vienna. We hope she continues to be well forever! Please feel free to forward this to others so they may also hear her story!