Coffee enthusiasts should be aware of this. Take good care of yourself. The elixir of miracles, coffee. Coffee drinking has been related in several studies to the prevention of illnesses including dementia and metabolic problems.
We can’t forget about its energizing impact and the extra energy it provides us with anytime we need it, of course. However, some practices linked to the processing or storage of coffee must be avoided if the good effects are to be preserved.
1.Get ground coffee: We all hurry to get ground coffee and steer clear of beans, either because we find home roasting to be tedious and difficult or because it is simpler and more practical to purchase it already ground. The latter, according to experts in food chemistry, includes more free radicals that can cause oxidative stress and a variety of inflammatory conditions in the body.
2.After opening, keep coffee in its original container:
Airtight containers should be used to keep coffee. In this manner, coffee will maintain its ability to boost antioxidant levels in the body.
3.We consume coffee too early in the day
Experts advise against drinking coffee before 10 or 12 in the morning, when the body’s cortisol levels are at their lowest and we feel the need for extra energy.
A hastily consumed cup of coffee at seven in the morning is of little assistance.

4.We consume too much coffee; going overboard is never advised.
This guideline also holds true for how much coffee we should consume each day. The body just requires a single 225 ml cup every day. Anything in excess of this can have negative effects, especially for those who have diabetes, anxiety, or gastro-oesophageal reflux disease.
5.Coffee with too much sugar:
Due to the antioxidants included in coffee, one of its main advantages is that it stabilizes blood sugar levels and lowers the chance of developing type 2 diabetes. Therefore, by oversweetening coffee, we only make a dessert that differs significantly from the original.
6.We consume the same coffee throughout the day:
We sip from a cup a few times, leave it on the desk, remember it two hours later, and so on.
This is untrue. Coffee becomes more acidic the longer it sits in the cup, which can cause stomach and indigestion as well as damage tooth enamel.
7.Unfortunately, too much caffeine makes us illogical and angry. We drink too much coffee to pass the time and to interact. The same study stated above says that an elevated heart rate and respiratory rate deprive the brain of the oxygen required for calm and logical thought.
8.Irritable bowel syndrome, gastritis, ulcers, and stomach issues.
Yes, it’s sad for coffee drinkers to know that several of the components in coffee, including caffeine and other acids found in coffee beans, can irritate the lining of your small intestine and your stomach. Doctors typically advise patients with these issues to totally avoid coffee.