“42 lessons life taught me, written by a 90-year-old”
We ought to all read it at least once a week! Be sure to finish reading!
Written by 90-year-old Regina Brett for the Plain Dealer in Cleveland, Ohio.
“I once penned the 42 lessons life taught me as a way to celebrate becoming older. It’s the column I’ve ever written that gets the most requests.
In August, my odometer reached 90, thus here is the column once more:
Even though life isn’t fair, it’s still nice.
Just take the subsequent tiny step if you are unsure.
Enjoy life because it is too brief.
When you are ill, your work won’t look after you. Your loved ones and friends will.
Every month, pay off your credit cards.
You don’t have to prevail in every discussion. Stay loyal to who you are.
Sob with a friend. Compared to just sobbing, it’s more therapeutic.
starting with your first salary, start saving for retirement.
It is pointless to try to resist chocolate.
So that your past won’t ruin the present, make peace with it.
You can let your kids watch you weep.
Stay away from life comparisons. You are unaware of the purpose of their quest.
You shouldn’t be in a relationship if it needs to be kept secret…
14 Breathe in deeply. It eases mental tension.
Get rid of anything unnecessary. You feel the effects of clutter in numerous ways.
Anything that doesn’t kill you really makes you stronger.
There is never a bad time to be joyful. But you alone are responsible for it.
Never accept “no” as an answer when pursuing your dreams in life.
Use the lovely blankets, light the candles, and put on the designer undergarments. Don’t wait till a particular occasion to use it. Today is unique.(amen 💖💖💖)
Prepare too much, then adapt as necessary.
Be bizarre right now. Don’t save wearing purple until old age.
The brain is the most significant sexual organ.
Your happiness is entirely up to you.
Every alleged catastrophe should be prefaced with the question, “Will this matter in five years?”
Constantly go for life.
Do not forget to forgive.
It is not your concern what others think of you.
Most things become better with time. Allow enough time.
Whatever the situation’s pros or cons, it will change.
Don’t be so serious about yourself. Nobody else performs.
Have faith in miracles.
Avoid auditing life. Show up and take advantage of this moment.
Living a long life is preferable to dying early.
There is only one childhood for your children.
The fact that you loved is ultimately all that matters.
Obtain fresh air each day. All around us, miracles are waiting. If everyone put their issues in a pile and we saw everyone else’s, we would all grab our own back (I love this one).
Time is wasted on envy. Instead of demanding more, accept what you currently have.
It gets better from here…
Whatever your mood, get dressed, show up, and get out there.
Even if life isn’t wrapped up in a bow, it is still a gift.