When Fred and Mary are married, they are unable to afford a honeymoon, so they spend the night with their parents instead. Little Johnny wakes up in the morning and eats his food.
He asks his mum if Fred and Mary are awake as he heads out the door to go to school. She responds, “No,” Do you know what I believe, Johnny queries? His mother responds, “I don’t care what you think! Just attend class.

Is Fred and Mary up yet?, Johnny asks his mother when he arrives home for lunch. She responds, “No,” Do you know what I think?, asks Johnny. His mother responds, “I don’t care what you think! After eating, return to class. He returns home after school and queries, “Are Fred and Mary up yet?” No, his mother says. Do you know what I believe, Johnny queries? OK, his mother responds. How do you feel? Well, last night Fred came into my room looking for some Vaseline, and I believe I accidentally handed him my airplane glue, he explains.