The extraordinary case of the pregnant pig. Her temperature spiked significantly after giving birth, and everyone worried that she wouldn’t make it. When the sow started to look better, the owner was astounded since he had assumed she would give birth to a few chicks.
Emma’s piglet was in critical condition when it was sent to the California farm at Apricot Lane. She had a number of illnesses and was quite frail, but she was also pregnant. When he got it, the farm’s owner summoned the vet to confer with him and stabilize the animal’s health, but he had some bad news to deliver. The veterinarian informed the farmer that the sow will give birth to no more than six puppies before passing away. The animal gave birth to 17 piglets the night she went into labor, proving the doctor’s predictions to be false. Unfortunately, only 13 of the 17 piglets made it, with the other 4 having health issues that made them unviable.
The sow Emma was worn out after a lengthy delivery. Due of her issues and the difficult, protracted labor, her condition was quite precarious.
Farmer Chester was astounded by the sheer number of chicks that gave birth to the piglet as he was concerned for Emma’s health. Emma was exhausted, had a very high fever, and appeared to be giving up. The sow was then considered to be recovering, so Chester decided to remove the chicks to make place for her.
After the farm owner took the chicks close to Emma, her health grew worse. He believed that if the sow had perished, the farm’s workers would have been left to care for rearing the piglets and providing them with many feedings each day, which would have required a tremendous lot of effort and time and not much benefit to him.
Chester decided to make another call to the vet after observing that Emma was unable to even get up. Chester claims that the veterinarian advised her to bring the chicks home. A miracle occurred after Chester did just that and returned the chicks to her: “If I hadn’t been there and someone had told me, I wouldn’t have believed it!”
When the farmer returned with the chicks to Emma, a miracle occurred. Emma sat up and managed to eat just as she spotted her chicks once more. Instantly, her condition had improved. Chester claims that he hoped for the sow’s survival to be their own but that she was only saved because of her ability to reproduce and take care of her piglets. The farmer also claims that, on sometimes, what appears to be a threat to our lives is actually the only thing that can spare us and even make us better.
In this instance, Emma was motivated to fight for her children by her delight at being a mother and her pride at holding her newborns.