A heart attack is one of the most dangerous medical emergencies and can frequently have a profound impact on the victim’s life or even result in permanent death. They may appear out of nowhere and require immediate medical care. They happen when the heart is unable to pump blood, typically because to a blood clot.
When the heart muscle is injured due to a lack of oxygen, a heart attack takes place. Medically, it is referred to as myocardial infarctions, where “myo” denotes muscle, “cardial” denotes the heart, and “infarction” denotes the cellular devastation brought on by a lack of blood flow.
Eight warning signs, fortunately, will appear in your body at least a month before a heart attack. Even if you just have one of these symptoms, it is still important to evaluate them all. However, a few of these are rather common symptoms of other conditions.
1. Bruised Feet
If you have congestive heart failure, one or both of your heart’s lower chambers lose their ability to pump blood effectively. As a result, blood may collect in your feet, ankles, and legs, resulting in edema.
2. Tiredness
Fatigue affects 70% of women, and if you don’t generally have it, it could be one of the first indicators of a heart attack.
Although men have also reported experiencing this symptom, Brightside thinks that women are more likely to do so.
The definitions of weariness vary, but include excessive tiredness, extreme exhaustion, and a lack of both physical and mental motivation.
This might make simple tasks like making the bed or taking a shower difficult.
3. Breathing problems
You won’t be able to breathe in as much oxygen into your lungs as usual since your heart will be pumping less blood.
You cannot have one system without the other since they are interconnected. As soon as you experience breathing issues, you should see a doctor because this could be a sign that your attack is about to begin.
4. Blurred vision and cool sweats
Poor circulation also results in a decrease in the blood flow to your brain. This presents a major risk to human life. Your first reaction will be to feel clammy and sick. You cannot ignore this.
5. Prolonged perspiration
Unusual or excessive sweating may be a sign of an impending heart attack.
That might occur at any time, day or night. This symptom, which sometimes gets confused with menopausal signs like hot flashes or night sweats, is more common in women.
No matter the weather or level of physical activity, it is defined as having flu-like symptoms, clammy skin, or heavy sweating. Since nightly sweating seems to be more severe, the sheets may be wet in the morning.
6. Chest ache
For both men and women, chest pains can take many different forms and range in intensity.
One of the most important early warning signs of an impending heart attack in males, this symptom should not be dismissed. But just 30% of all women are affected.
Chest pain may progress to discomfort in one or both arms (usually the left one), the lower jaw, the shoulders, the neck, or the stomach.
It could be permanent or transitory in nature.
7. Signs of the flu or a cold
If you get symptoms suddenly, it’s conceivable that the flu attack itself is about to take place. Many people think they had a cold a few days before their attacks.
8. An abnormal heartbeat
This ailment manifests without reference to any external factors.
Especially in women, arrhythmias or missing beats are usually accompanied with anxiety and panic attacks.
Arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat) and tachycardia (rapid heartbeat) both present unexpectedly and in different ways (increased heart rate).
Exercise may increase heart rate stimulation further, especially in those with atherosclerotic disease.
Some people assert that the irregular heartbeat lasts for one to two minutes. If it persists, you can have excessive fatigue or dizziness.
How to go with this
If you or someone you know is having these symptoms, see a doctor as soon as you can. The best way to prevent a heart attack is to recognize the signs as soon as they appear.