The older one is nine and the younger one is four. When it’s time to check out, the oldest boy takes a package of tampons from the shelf and walks it over to the cashier.
The clerk inquires, “Oh, these must be for your mom?” In response, the youngster says, “Nope, not for my mom.” The clerk responds, “Well, they must be for your sister then.”

In response, the youngster says, “Nope, not for my sister either.” Now intrigued, the clerk asks, “Oh, not for your mother and not for your sister? Then for what do they exist? In response, the youngster says, “They’re for my little brother.” Surprised, the clerk asks, “Your little brother?” “Well yeah, they say on TV if you wear one of these, you can swim or ride a bike,” the child adds. And neither of those things are possible for my younger brother.