Though the seas encompass 70% of the world, humans have only explored around 5% of it.
We still have a lot to learn about the ocean since our knowledge of it is still lacking.
A strange aquatic animal washed up on a California beach recently, causing some very interesting questions. To learn more about what transpired, read on.
There are a lot of undiscovered critters in the deep water.
We know relatively little about the ocean and its inhabitants since it would be almost impossible for humans to examine all of the oceans due to their vastness and depth.
The finding of a deep-sea creature this past week off the coast of California is just one more example of how little we truly understand about the ocean.
A strange animal washed ashore at Laguna Beach’s Crystal Cove State Park on October 13.

In a Facebook post, the California park called it a Pacific footballfish. The fish lives in such a tough environment that it usually stays in deep, dark water and is rarely spotted by people.
Who would have guessed that it washed ashore in time for Friday the 13th? At Crystal Cove State Park, this is angler fish number two! The story went on to explain that the same kind of angler fish, Pacific Football Fish, were found onshore in May 2021 by a park visitor, creating quite a stir.
The same kind of fish washed ashore last Friday, October 13, two years after it first appeared. They inquired in a frightening manner, “What does it all mean?” which made them wonder how this could have happened.
The odd-looking species was taken “for further research” by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, according to the news release.
According to the statement, there are more than 200 species of anglerfish that may be found in waters worldwide. Additionally, it stated that, “in pitch-black water as deep as 3,000 feet, only females possess a long stalk on the head with bioluminescent tips used as a lure to entice prey.”
According to the statement, the Anglerfish have enormous mouths that enable them to consume food that is “the size of their own body” and teeth that resemble “pointed shards of glass.”
Observing their growth is fascinating. The males of the species only reach one inch in length, but the females may reach up to 24 inches. The males “latch onto the female with their teeth and become sexual parasites,’ eventually coalescing with the female until nothing is left of their form but their testes for reproduction,” according to the statement explaining how they reproduced.
The park claims that it is “very rare” to find this species of fish on the coast. “It is unknown how or why these fish ended up onshore,” the statement added.
The odd diversity of marine life that lurks beneath the surface of California’s Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) is demonstrated by the sight of this strange and fascinating fish. As scientists continue to learn more about these deep-sea creatures, it’s important to consider how much more there is to learn about our amazing and mysterious ocean! Crystal Cove ended their article.

It’s fascinating to consider how an organism from the deep water made its way to land.
Many issues arise as to why it would have relocated to shallower waters. For now, all of this remains a mystery!
According to the park, a comparable incident occurred two years prior.
The fish discovered in May 2021 is currently housed at the Los Angeles Natural History Museum.
The ocean is fascinating in every way, and our knowledge of it is still lacking! How does this monster appear from the shoreline, in your opinion?
Please tell your family and friends about this frightening revelation!