A newborn infant is beautiful in its own unique way, just like every other human being.
In 2018, Angelica was born to happy parents and siblings. A heart-shaped port wine stain complemented her already stunning features. Unfortunately, not everybody understood the importance of her special stamp.
Although some individuals feel free to criticize Angelica’s looks, her mother asserts that her daughter is embraced and cherished by the family despite having a birthmark.
The worst comment I’ve ever seen on the internet asked whether she had pressed her face against a griddle.
Marianna Bowering, Angelica’s mother, revealed to the Mirror that her daughter’s face had been called “grilled.”

Marianna mentioned that her daughter has at times been called “hideous” and a “defect.”
This had a significant impact on the family and exacerbated their issues, but they were resolute about moving past it.
Angelica’s family members advised her to embrace herself exactly as she is, regardless of what other people may think.
In an effort to cheer Angelica up, Marianna painted her daughter’s face to mimic Angelica’s birthmark.
The mother allegedly told The Epoch Times, “I got the idea from vascular birthmark awareness day, when they urge people to paint a heart on the cheeks. Then I reasoned, “Why not go all out and create Angelica’s port wine stain?” “At first, I just used my makeup to create a heart.”
Marianna felt worse every time someone tried to ‘comfort’ her by saying that her daughter’s mark would eventually go away or that she could conceal it with makeup as she grew older. Marianna couldn’t help but wonder if Angelica would be forced to hide her natural beauty rather than embrace it.
It served as a potent reminder that society has expectations on what its citizens should look like.
Family members have advised Angelica to accept her unique traits. Marianna occasionally covered her daughter’s wine port stain with glitter to make it shine.
Marianna said, “Thankfully, we’ve done tests and Angelica is totally healthy,” in reference to the likelihood that children with these types of birthmarks might experience major health problems. We just need frequent checks, especially for her eyes as glaucoma might be an issue.
We think it’s great that Angelica is learning to accept and even embrace her birthmark.
You have to admit that she is a lovely young woman.
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