“The customer is always right,” is a phrase you may have heard in the service sector, but there are always certain individuals who demonstrate that this is not true!
We are all aware of the true meaning behind this term, particularly those of us who have experience in the service sector. There are those who consider themselves superior to others and want to be treated accordingly, similar to a king or queen, while treating customer service workers poorly.
This woman, who is employed at an airline’s check-in counter, is not real, but she demonstrates a really intelligent method of handling extremely impolite folks, clients! Her response to a disruptive guest, asserting his position in a polite and professional way, had me burst into laughter!
Keep reading this page to read the tale, and feel free to share it since the woman’s response is very remarkable! The employee at the check-in counter at New York’s LaGuardia Airport deserves recognition for her handling of this difficult guest!

Have you ever had to handle an irritable client? This one is for all of you!
Since the Southwest Airlines flight was canceled because of bad weather, which caused it to be highly packed and fully booked, this one agent rescheduled everyone to travel on a different day.
Suddenly, a very angry passenger forcefully made his way to the head of the queue…
He placed his ticket on the table and said with contempt, “
“I NEED to be on this plane, and it needs to be in the first class,” she insists.
The agent replied:
“Sir, I apologize.” I will do my hardest to help you, but I need to help these individuals first, and then I am sure we can find a solution.
This passenger was not at all impressed!
He asked, speaking loudly enough that all the other passengers could hear:
“Do you know my identity?” asks the narrator.
The agent then grinned and quickly responded, taking hold of her public address microphone…
She said, “
“May I have your complete attention, please?”
“We have a passenger at Gate 14 who is unaware of his identity.”
“If anyone can help him with his identification, please come to Gate 14.”
The individuals behind him were laughing uncontrollably, and the man clenched his jaw as he gazed at the woman…
He said, “
“You’re in trouble!”
The woman spoke confidently and with a kind smile:
“Sir, I apologize.” You will need to wait in line for it too.
Spread this delightful and entertaining tale with your dear ones and enjoy a good chuckle together!
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