Most of us are familiar with the irritation of having what seems like a million plastic grocery bags in our cabinets. You collect the bags, store them in the pantry, and generally forget about them until your kitchen is a mess and the bags are overflowing. It’s exhausting.
But this is enough for one Redditor. They recently mentioned pick-up orders from Walmart, when each item was given in a distinct plastic bag.
Each of their most recent purchases, according to the original post’s author on r/extremelyinfuriating, came in a different bag.
How wasteful. the opening post claims
The image was spotted by another user, who thought it belonged in the r/anticonsumption forum where users were similarly appalled by the evident waste.
Plastic bags are not only challenging to handle and dispose of, but because they are so challenging to recycle, they constitute a special environmental risk. Typically, recycling facilities won’t take plastic bags since they cling to the machinery and cause blockages (like when they pick up your plastics at the curb).
As a result, they are commonly tossed in the garbage. Only around 5% of plastic garbage is ever recycled, even when it is disposed of correctly, prompting some to call it a “failed concept.”
The good news is that many grocery shops accept old bags, and there are locations around the nation where plastic film may be dropped off.
However, the fact that we first received so many bags is still annoying. As a result, many individuals instantly agreed on how annoying the Redditor’s remark was.
When I ask for as few bags as possible, one user complains, “I hate when they think I mean, “Put a bunch of items together in the same bag and then double bag all the bags,”” another user adds.
Another customer says, “It’s unbelievable that they put each and every thing in its own bag.