An irate individual has expressed his thoughts about a difficult circumstance on Reddit’s well-known “Am I the A*e” thread.
The Original Poster (OP), a guy who wishes to remain anonymous, recently penned a thorough account regarding an event that happened when his 16-year-old sister and niece paid him and his wife a visit.
His sister and her two kids are currently homeless following their recent divorce.
The kind man granted her want to stay with him for a little while.
Regarding her hair, the man’s wife feels self-conscious.

As they coped with the aftermath of her divorce, the man’s problems were equally as severe as those of her sister and kids.
His wife was receiving treatment for cancer, which unintentionally resulted in her hair falling off.
The man’s wife was quite self-conscious about going bald in public, so she went out and bought a wig that looked just like her own hair.
In his piece, the guy emphasized how, knowing full well that the wig would boost his wife’s self-esteem, he encouraged her to buy it.
The day they moved in, his teenage nieces saw her wife’s wig and wanted to touch, try it on, and even ask her why she wore it.
They reportedly even asked the man’s wife if they could style and straighten her hair to see how it would look, but she politely rejected.
In addition, she spoke to her discomfort at taking off the wig in front of her husband’s nieces, even though they begged to see her hairless body.
The two nieces play a practical joke on one another.
But soon after getting back home, the man saw his wife crying uncontrollably in their bedroom. The door was closed, and he was unable to get inside to see how she was doing.
His wife opened the door after he asked her over and over again how she was doing and what was wrong. As she wept into his arms, his wife told him what had transpired while he was away.
But even after informing his sister that her girls were cruelly recording his wife, the man remained unaffected.
“I also lost it on her and told her that she and my nieces had to leave because they were no longer welcome to stay at my house,” the guy said.
“They started weeping and pleading with me to let it go when I told them about the eviction later because they didn’t believe I was serious. However, after what they did, my wife feels uncomfortable around them no more. When my sister phoned our [older] dad, he pleaded with me to let them remain, telling me that my nieces were just being normal teens. I turned down his offer to talk to my wife,” the guy wrote in his article.
Finally, he said that although his sister has been begging with him to reconsider, he is adamant about sticking to his guns.
He then asks whether the other participants in the forum think he is misguided.
Online people gave the man their support.
Not surprisingly, the majority of people on the forum believed he was acting appropriately. [Not the a**e, please]. In any case. For heaven’s sake, they were filming and deliberately attempting to make your cancer-stricken wife look bad. Better get rid of them. Your unfortunate spouse. Holy stuff, remarked one commenter.
“Don’t even let your dad approach your wife over the phone,” they said. Please don’t; he’ll attempt to persuade her that it’s not those awful brats who are to blame.
Another concurred, saying: “‘They claimed it was only a lighthearted joke.'” As far as “things [aes] say when they do sy things and can’t bear being held accountable,” this is at the top of my list. This chorus is one I know all too well, and I don’t think it for a second. Why did they decide to deliberately make fun of her illness? Why wouldn’t they say sorry after your wife was severely upset by the “prank,” which was meant to be enjoyable? For heaven’s sake, why would they videotape her? This was never intended to be a joke, thus it’s not one.
What do you think in light of this incident? Did the adolescent girls’ actions amount to anything more than a little “lighthearted” fun, in your opinion? Leave a comment and let us know!
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